Memory Lane Owasso, Oklahoma

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Go Rams!

I remember when main street was widened to 4 lanes. I lived on 103 W 8th. I remember when the light was placed at the 86 and main intersection and the tastee freeze was still there. Nothing was on the west side of 169 and it ended at the water tower (old, not new). I remember that when I got into trouble somwehere in town, my mom knew before I would be home riding my bike, which I used to do all over town. I think I was the second or third class group to go through Ator Heights elem. It is nice to see Owasso the size it is today, but it is nice to remember the small town days as well.
Randy Hauptmann

Go Rams!

I remember when Owasso had no traffic, no malls, no fast food, and not many roads. (Yes, there were pickup trucks.) My Aunt and Uncle's farm/ranch/place was right where 86th street is today across from the Community Center and beyond. Then "fast food" meant you got to grab a cookie and run back outside to play. I had my horse, Chester, (actually my Aunt's mop:) tied out to the fence post and was never willing to leave him there too long at a time.
I don't ever remember seeing Aunt Lucille out of the kitchen. She was always cooking. She had 7 kids, and by the time she got everyone fed one meal, seems like it was time to start on the next one.
It was really something to wake up to the chickens, cows, and guineas announcing they were ready for breakfast.
Another Aunt and Uncle lived around 4th and Cedar Street. Everything south of 4th was pastures and fields. My cousin was just out of high school and joined the Marines. (Now she's "Granny" and still in Owasso.) -- oh yeah, I'm here too.
~ snowhawk ~

Go Rams!

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